Spine Injury After A Car Accident – When you suffer a spine injury after a car accident, it is very important to get immediate medical attention. The severity of the injury can vary depending on the type of Spine Injury after a car accident you have suffered. Additional problems may arise if the cause of your spine injury was due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing.
These are known as ‘pre-existing conditions and can complicate your case even further.
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What is a Spine Injury After A Car Accident?
Spine Injury After A Car Accident is very dangerous and can be a result of a serious accident. Most commonly, they are caused by car accidents. Any form of spine injury could have an impact on your mobility or cause permanent damage, so it is very important to get medical attention immediately after you suffer Spine Injury After A Car Accident.
The Causes of spine Injury After A Car Accident
The causes of Spine Injury After A Car Accident are extensive, but there are common causes that can occur. The most common cause of Spine Injury After A Car Accident is the ‘Whiplash Effect,’ which is caused by the rapid jerk forwards and backward motion to your neck during a car accident. This type of injury also occurs when you suffer other forms of impact where force is applied to your neck area, causing tissue damage to your spine or nerves around it.
Another cause of this type of injury could be bone fractures. And if you have broken bones, they may protrude into the spinal canal, causing further damage to your spine, placing pressure on one or more of your spinal discs that are located between each set of vertebrae in your neck.
The most common injury in this area of the body is a herniated disc. When one of these occurs, it usually means that in some way, your spine has been moved out of alignment. This damage to your spine could also take place when you suffer something like the whiplash effect or any other type of impact that places strain on your neck muscles
Types of Spine Injuries After A Car Accident
As stated above, there are numerous types of Spine Injury After A Car Accident ranging from minor injuries to serious conditions. Some examples are listed below:
1. The most common types of spinal cord injuries (SCI) can include fractures or dislocations in the vertebrae, osteoporosis, bulging discs, pinched nerves, nerve damage, or disc herniation.
2. Another type of spinal cord injury is ‘Spinal Stenosis’ which means that bones have grown over the opening of the vertebral canal, causing compression on your spine and nerves at rest or during movement.
3. A third common type of Spine Injury After A Car Accident is ‘Cauda Equina Syndrome,’ which can be caused by small fragments being displaced from a tear in the inner lining of the spinal cord to create pressure on your lower back, legs, and arms.
4. Another form of Spine Injury After A Car Accident includes problems with discs within your body (called intervertebral discs). These are located between each set of vertebrae in your neck. These discs help to absorb shock during movement and support the weight of your head when you are standing upright.
5. A rare type of Spine Injury After A Car Accident is ‘Hereditary Disease’ such as degenerative disc disease or osteoporosis, which can be passed down from parents through genes. If this is the case, then it may limit your ability to recover from a spinal cord injury because any swelling in the area has already been compromised by previous damage due to the condition.
As mentioned above, these injuries and illnesses could be caused by trauma or medical conditions that were present before an accident took place, but many cases also occur after a sudden impact that occurs in everyday life that we don’t think about.
Warning Signs Of Spine Injury After A Car Accident
There are many ways in which you can spot something is wrong with your spine after an accident. Some common warning signs of Spine Injury After A Car Accident include:
1. Intense pain or stiffness in your neck, shoulder blades, and/or lower back after the incident occurs, which doesn’t ease up over time. Sometimes this symptom may be accompanied by tingling down your arms, numbness or weakness/paralysis to parts of your body that control movement, feeling dizzy or lightheaded spells, nausea, or vomiting.
2. You feel pain when turning your head, so it is better not to move at all than try to turn it, causing further pain and discomfort.
3. After the incident occurs, very specific movements such as lifting your arms to brush your hair or tie your shoes, bending over to pick something up off the floor, coughing, and sneezing may cause you pain in certain areas of your back or neck. If this happens, you should stop doing these activities until the pain is gone and seek help from a medical professional immediately.
4. One of the most common symptoms that we see is loss of balance and dizziness spells after an accident with no history of vertigo before the incident took place. Also, seeing stars or light flashes or feeling like you are moving around when standing still can be warning signs as well.
5. Numbness, tingling, o burning sensations in your arms, hands, legs, or feet are other signs to look out for.
6. The inability to move any part of your body may be a result of nerve damage. If this occurs suddenly, you should seek medical attention immediately as it can prevent you from breathing properly and put you at risk of long-term injury.
7. The loss of sensation or weakness (if accompanied by pain) coupled with tingling feelings has the same risks as mentioned above, so make sure that you seek help straight away!
A small number of people who suffer spinal cord injuries end up becoming paralyzed. The majority, however, recover over time, but there is still no cure for these issues. Unfortunately, however, there are things that one can do which greatly increase the chances of them regaining normal functionality.
If you do suffer any form of Spine Injury After A Car Accident, the best course of action is to seek medical attention immediately after receiving treatment for your initial injuries. It may be hard to get back up on your feet again if this happens, but with the right kind of help, it can be done!
Spine Injury After A Car Accident – Conclusion
If you suffer Spine Injury After A Car Accident, it is very important to be aware of the causes so you can avoid similar injuries in the future. This will either require some form of training or simply making sure you are aware of your surroundings.
If the injury is not due to negligence, then getting advice on whether you should seek compensation for your injuries may help with any additional costs that have arisen from them.